X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, has made waves with a new feature: the ability to hide liked posts from public view. This change, currently available only to premium subscribers, marks a significant shift in how users interact and engage with content. But is it a game changer or an empty promise?

Goodbye Public Likes, Hello Privacy (for some)

Previously, X displayed all your liked posts on your profile, essentially creating a public record of your online interests. With the new feature, premium users can hide this “Likes” tab entirely. This offers a layer of privacy, allowing users to engage with content freely without worrying about judgment or creating an unintended digital footprint.

Increased Engagement or Selective Sharing?

The platform claims this change will encourage more open engagement. Users might feel more comfortable liking diverse viewpoints or niche content without fear of social pressure. However, some see it as a way for users to curate a more controlled online persona, potentially hindering genuine interaction.

The Cost of Privacy

The premium element of this feature has sparked debate. Critics argue it creates a two-tiered system, where only paying users can enjoy greater privacy. This could exacerbate existing inequalities within the platform.

The Future of Likes

X’s move is a bold experiment. Whether it leads to a more open and nuanced online space or simply creates a system of selective sharing remains to be seen.


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