Instagram Allows Teens To Manage The Time They Spend On The App

Instagram has recently launched a new feature that will help you control the time you spend on the app. But, that’s not all.

They have also announced a couple more updates that will help you improve your experience on the app.

What Is Quiet Mode On Instagram?

Quiet Mode will enable you to control how much time you spend on Instagram. Once you turn on the Quiet Mode in the app, you will stop receiving notifications until you turn it off. Your activity status will also change to “in Quiet Mode”. This will help you avoid distractions while doing your homework, completing assignments, and at night.

“Anyone can use ‘Quiet mode’, but we’ll prompt teens to do so when they spend a specific amount of time on Instagram late at night.” – Instagram

Currently, this feature is only available in the US, UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Depending on the response they get from these countries, it will soon be available to users all over the world.

Multi-select Functionality In The Explore Tab

Instagram has also announced the multi-select functionality in the explore tab.

You can now select as many posts as you want in the explore section to like, report, and express your disinterest.

Image Source: Instagram(

You can also tell Instagram that you are not interested in a specific type of content, based on keywords.

How To Control The Posts You Are Recommended On Instagram?

Meta has already announced that up to 15% of the content in your feed will be AI-recommended by the end of 2023.

To help you control the content you see in your feed, Instagram will now enable you to avoid posts that contain specific keywords. Here’s how:

Source: Instagram(

“Add a word or list of words, emojis or hashtags that you want to avoid – like “fitness” or “recipes” – and we’ll work to no longer recommend content with those words in the caption or the hashtag.” – Instagram

You will also be able to hide posts based on keywords from the Privacy Tab in Settings.

Finally, Instagram has also updated the Family center to help parents see the content their teens have blocked.

Now, parents will also be notified when their teen changes their privacy settings. Instagram hopes this will spark discussion about internet safety and help parents deal with their teens’ changing interests.

“These updates are part of our ongoing work to ensure people have experiences that work for them, and that they have more control over the time they spend online and the types of content they see.” – Instagram


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